˚ʚSketch Styleɞ˚


headshot/icon• $15

fullbody $25


fullbody $45

•Normal Style•

headshot/icon: $35

half body: $50

Fullbody: $60

˚ʚFullcolor Styleɞ˚

•EMOTE• $15x1



headshot/icon• $40

fullbody $50


fullbody $60

•Normal Style•

headshot/icon: $55

half body: $80

Fullbody: $95usd

✿The initial price for a drawing with a background is +30usd (the price varies depending on the complexity of the background you want)✿

•Reference Sheets•

✦ Reference Sheet: Base price +150usd ( The price will vary in How many details and extra things you want) ✦

✿ The base Sheet have ✿

  • 1 Full Body

  • 1 Expression

  • Color palette

  • 1 Chibi Full Body

✦ Custom character:

  • Chibi: +100

  • Normal style: +170

❖ Have an additional cost depending on the details ❖

˚ʚSpecial Commissionsɞ˚

∘Valentines edition∘

A: $65
B: $70
C: $60